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Recommended performance standards for Cholecystectomy


BBUGSS does not support individual isolated, low volume cholecystectomy practice (<10 procedures/year/surgeon). Surgeons delivering low volume, should work within the framework and collaboration of a collective unit of surgeons within a Hospital/Trust delivering a cholecystectomy service for the purpose of audit, governance and service development


Annual audit of outcomes


Surgeons performing laparoscopic cholecystectomy should be able to offer intra-operative imaging (OTC/Laparoscopic Ultrasound)


Day case (not overnight stay) rate for elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy standard 50%, aim >75% (accepting geographical remoteness in some regions might limit this)


Readmission rates after cholecystectomy within 30 days <10%


Unexpected Day Case LC admission rates low, rates of after day-case LC <5%


Proportion of index (within 7 days) laparoscopic cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis standard, as minimum >35%


Proportion of index or within 2 weeks laparoscopic cholecystectomy for gallstone pancreatitis in surgically suitable patients standard should aim for >95%


Proportion of patients undergoing elective and emergency laparoscopic surgery <5% conversion rate to open


Sub-total cholecystectomy is less optimal treatment compared to total cholecystectomy due to potential problems with remnant gallbladder/gallstones. But both open and laparoscopic subtotal cholecystectomy are valid treatment options for safety where Calots dissection is deemed difficult/hazardous


Low rates of planned open cholecystectomy (exception complex cases)


Overall Morbidity < 10%


Bile Leak rate after elective surgery (Cystic duct/Small liver bed duct-Strasberg A) < 1.5%


Retained CBD stones (within 90 days of cholecystectomy) < 2.5%


Unit Bile Duct Injury rate (Non-Strasberg A) < 0.3%


Unit Mortality < 0.1%

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