Revisional Anti-Reflux Surgery
Definition- Elective revisional surgery to correct symptoms after previous fundoplication or LINX procedures (excludes acute complications of primary procedure)
Revisional surgery has more complex management and should be concentrated to a few surgeons within a large unit or a single centre within a region
Classification of previous Anti-Reflux surgery failure requiring revisional surgery
Type I in-situ fundoplication disruption
Type II in-situ fundoplication slip
Type III trans-hiatal fundoplication migration
Type IV mixed fundoplication disruption and trans-hiatal fundoplication migration
Type V trans-hiatal fundoplication slip
Type VI LINX failure (migration/erosion/persistent dysphagia/poor symptom control)
Indications for surgery
- troublesome persistent dysphagia following previous anti-reflux/LINX surgery (resistant to non-surgical therapy)
- patients in whom the primary symptom is volume reflux/regurgitation despite previous anti-reflux/LINX surgery
- a confirmed diagnosis of recurrent acid reflux after previous anti-reflux/LINX surgery and adequate symptom control with medical therapy but do not wish to continue with long term therapy
- patient with breakthrough symptoms despite maximum medical therapy for recurrent reflux after previous anti-reflux/LINX surgery
- a confirmed diagnosis of acid reflux in patients following previous anti-reflux surgery/LINX and symptoms that respond to medical therapy but who are intolerant of medication side effects
- atypical symptoms such as aspiration, cough or hoarse voice and confirmed evidence of GORD in patients treated previously with anti-reflux/LINX surgery (these patients as a group have less successful outcomes than patients with typical symptoms)
- LINX explant for erosion/migration
- LINX explant for psychological reasons
Minimum Investigation set prior to Revisional surgery
Previous operative notes
OGD endoscopy
GI Physiology- ambulatory pH/high resolution manometry
Barium swallow
Pass all patients through a hiatal MDT prior to surgery
Enter data into a registry to audit outcomes
Mortality < 0.1%